Monday, February 16, 2009


Ever notice how people categorize their lives by the year? Baring the fact that age is, for the most part, measured by one year intervals. I'm talking about when people classify their years into categories, such as "good" and "bad". Such is a fact I have noticed every year, during the late December/early January time period. People begin to look at everything within the year, and they look at the following year as a time to begin all over again.

So, now I wonder...does the human mind have the capacity to remember every moment within a set of 365 days? If this is true, then the rest of this paragraph doesn't pertain to you. But if this is not, or not true for you at least, then don't you think lots of time is wasted when you bunch things together as a "year?" What happened to "months", or "days", or "hours" even? Where does all of that time go if it isn't even going to amount to anything?

Isn't that time wasted when an entire year is chalked up as "good" or "bad"? I mean, for those in the "good" pile, I suppose it doesn't matter. You're happy either way. But let's face it. There are only two options. Since there are only two, there is a 50/50 shot of someone announcing their pleasure or disenchantment with their 365 days. That means there is a 50% chance that you are going to consider an entire year a terrible atrocity, and will wish that time away. I don't know about you, but I think the thought of hating my life for an entire 365 days to be utter torture and would rather not put myself through all of that.

And so, I propose a solution. Why not take moments in smaller intervals? For example, for the next 12 weeks or so, I am going to have to sit in a room, every Tuesday, that I quite frankly don't want to be in. And the worst part is, it's all within a 6 hour day (one hour being devoted to a lunch, and 30 minutes to a break....let's just say it's only 4 and a half hours a week that I'll wish to saw my own arm off.) So...what will I do? Certainly I won't waste these 12 weeks by saying "I can't wait until this is all over." Instead, I'll try to find some things I like about it. For one, the teacher sure as hell isn't the issue. She's one of the most amazing women I have ever met. I simply don't like the class because I have difficulty with the work that is expected of us. So, while there are many other things I can do to attempt to remedy the issue, the very LEAST I can do is remind myself that it's only 4 and a half hours a week. It's not an entire school year, let alone a whole year. This school year did NOT suck because of one class that I wasn't too excited about.

Aaaaannnnd....that's it. :) Night night ladies and gentlemen.

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