Friday, March 6, 2009

Broken Electronics

Gorram it! My scanner isn't working properly. Which makes me sad, because I wanted to put up some of my work.

We got this super hero assignment in one of my classes a few weeks ago. We basically had to create ourselves as a super hero. I ended up having so much fun with it that I made a side-kick, an archnemesis, and a side-kick for said nemesis. I'd rather explain my ideas more when I have the art to go along with it, but I'm basically making a pun off of video games. Sooo fun.

This quarter is going by so quickly too! Next week is the week before evaluations, which is basically the week I usually freak out. The week OF exams, I always had a laid back "I either have it or I don't" attitude...which actually makes life easier and the test/exam/whathaveyou go by much more smoothly and with better results!

But anyway, I PROMISE, I'll have some things other than mindless banter up for all to see. :) (All two of my viewers. Teehee. No point in linking many people to this site yet until there's something to see at least.)

Sayounara suckas. (Please correct me, Danny.)